Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
with this adorably cute puppy in this pet shop
i think toy poodles are the SHIT!
aww puppies just make you melt into a puddle of warmth and puppy-ness
again, i'm here because i'm trying to avoid 'our atmosphere: a chemical perspective'
and finals have officially started and i'm wondering where the semester went?
i feel like time was stolen from right under my nose
and i want it back terribly so
so my first paper was yesterday, a saturday MORNING if i may add
and i finished the paper in half the time allocated
and spent the next half just praying for divine intervention
or sudden enlightenment
but nope, nothing
and i've all these other half-thoughts swimming about in my head
half-thoughts because i don't really want to think about them
let alone put them down in words
but it's starting to feel very cluttered up there in my head
okay bye.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
mood: lazy
and when it rains,
on this side of town it touches everything
it's currently pouring outside my window.
the perfect weather to sleep in, but i have this thing called finals which are pretty much soon.
talked to baowu a few days back ( i think? im losing track of my days) and i really really supremely extremely miss her ): i'd almost forgotten how entertaining she is. heh
i'm here typing this pointless entry simply because i don't really want to start on tautomerism. haha i'm not even sure that's how you spell it, but. it's slightly scary how most of my notes are empty and the slides are definitely not self-explanatory. i have post-its with 'WHAT?!' all over.
oh the weekend was much needed. i spent time with family, ate shitloads of food, went rollerblading (i thinkkkkk i bladed 10km. apparently i should go pro) basically got ready for hall and school again.
is it just me or do our birthday wishlists get shorter as we get older? it's not that we want less, but that we want more intangible things. things not on departmental shelves or with a price tag.
say goodnight and go.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Sunday, November 02, 2008
mood: tired
okay so im bored and rather not do the things i'm supposed to do so here goes:-
night cycling! it was tons of fun except maybe the rain was a dampener somewhat. but yeah. i can't believe i seriously cycled from the west to the east of singapore. i hope everyone doesn't fall sick though. anddddd i had the best cycling partner! kh: TRUST AND CONFIDENCE! hahaha. lots of pictures expected (((:
we got back to hall at like 9ish and crashed before going for ensemble. omg i have no idea how me and veeks survived tech class. but it felt exceptionally satisfying. PLUS my doubles were surprisingly on that day. i should be exhausted and sleep deprived more often. ME AND VEEKS ARE GONNA WORK OUR ASSES OFF DURING DANCE CAMP and hopefully be a step closer to our idols!
i realised how much i missed home when i got home. it felt like i could BREATHE again. hall is fun and all, but sometimes it just gets suffocating. i think i'm the sort that needs lots of free space. maybe i should just park myself in a car parking lot or something. heh.
the weekend feels exceptionally short. i'm not looking forward to the starting week--i've got a pract test, a term paper due and rehearsals/show time for a performance...all of which i'm utterly unprepared for. BUT i console myself with the fact that i usually perform under stress so...maybe it's a good idea everything is snowballing and heading directly into my path.
omfg. things are kinda screwed up and i have a feeling it's mostly my fault.
all the cards begin to stack up
twisting heartache into fine
little pieces that avoid an awful crime
but it's you i can't deny
Thursday, October 30, 2008
everything but anatomy
AND. i'm still very much confused. screwwwww.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
slow dancing in a burning room
please stay away because sometimes, my head is drowned out by my heart or whatever you call it.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
i've nothing much to say now except: studying sucks the life out of my life.
hah, how eloquent.
sometimes i just feel less than average.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
work sucks, i know
mood: disgruntled
yeahh haven't really felt like blogging much the past weeks. not even now, but i need something to alleviate the immense boredom. work. it figures.
-sheares hall camp was incredibly fun
-i re-re-joined facebook. hahahhahah
yeah i think that's pretty much everything.
OH. today, because i only start work at 12.30 (well i thought i was 12.30 but apparently it's supposed to be 12) i woke up at 8.30 and breakfasted with the mother. Decided it was still too early to get ready for work so i went back to bed, still in my cute reindeer pajamas! yeah then eventually dragged my lazy ass out of bed at 10.30. haha so cool.
and now i'm here. bleh. butbutbut
-5th driving lesson tomorrow HAHAHAHAHA
-'get smart' with peihui tomorrow
-dance stuffs tomorrow
-T3 exploration with the BAOWU on friday
-rag practice on friday
okay bye!
Monday, June 02, 2008
soo i'm back. yay!
ITALY was simply amazing. it really is all it's made out to be and more. i would have stayed there forever, but i missed my bed too much :/
we took tons of pictures with very little discretion, the family just snapping away at every building, monument, statue, wall, etc. when i do find the usb cable for the camera, i'll put some awesome pictures up.
it's just so unbelievable how 95% of the buildings in Italy are from times long before. you can almost hear the loud whisper of their many pasts. really really really incredible. of course there was all the pizzerias and trattorias that crowded the cobbled streets-my brother's slice of heaven. haha. he seriously kept chanting 'risotto,risotto' whenever we sat down at a table. oh and i saw venice's ambulance--a boat of course. haha too cute.
the entire trip felt so surreal, as if i hadn't just travelled nearly half way round the world to a completely different country, continent. i'd expected to feel displaced, but..nothing. maybe that's the beauty of it.
OH and we stole some nutella from the breakfast table which exploded in my bag during the flight back and covered my ipod earphones so they are pretty much destroyed now but it's not too bad because i bought new earphones which are kinda awesome because they have changeable caps loads of fun to play around with!
anyways. i'm really perky now seeing as how it's only 5pm back there. is this still called 'jetlag'?
arrivedeci italy :(
Thursday, May 22, 2008
but if you left it up to me
everyday would be a holiday from real
i've just finished packing, exactly 4hrs before my flight takes off. wow.
anyway, italy's expecting me sooo
try not to miss me too much (:
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
pictures from saturday--

our ingenious brownie cupcakes! okay maybe not so much.

our grossly demented cookies. hahah they are such evil little amoeba like shits, trying to engulf the surrounding others. but they WERE yummilicious.

clara,mel and me!
hahha omg i was so freaking bored at work, you have no idea. you'd think i would be immune to it, after being constantly subjected to such immense boredom...but no. anyway the outcome of such--

because m&m's makes everyone happy! if you don't crack a smile when you see this little sucker, you're an emotionless, callously cold FISH. i don't like fish.

a disgruntled m&m smiley. unhappy because i'm about to eat it. yum.
so i'm practically devouring books whole. i'm nearly done with 'stranger than fiction' by chuck palahniuk. i really, really like him.
'Okay, okay, so maybe we're headed down a road toward mindless,
self-obsessed lives where every event is reduced to words and camera angles.
Every moment imagined through the lens of a cinematographer. Every funny or sad
remark scribbled down for sale at the first opportunity.
A world Socrates couldn't imagine, where people would examine their lives,
but only in terms of movie and paperback potential.
Where a story no longer follows as a result of an experience.
Now the experience happens in order to generate a story.'
anddd i'm guilty as charged.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
i want ashton
received some good news which kept me somewhat perky throughout work :) met up with mel to somewhat finalise our travel plans. haha but found ourselves back to where we'd started. i don't think either of us are too great at making decisions. chinatown dessert was good though.
baked cookies and brownies with mel after dance. they were good yeah! we should so totally start our own lil cafe/bakery thing. watched 'what happens in vegas' with the choir peoples-clara,mel,elroy,zhicong. i was pleasantly surprised, it was pretty entertaining for a chick flick. largely due to ASHTON KUTCHER who was unfailingly ADORABLE throughout. awww. pictures from mel soon.
I'm bored soooo:-
Open iTunes. Go to your library. Answer, no matter how embarrassing it is.
Sort by Song -
First Song: A-Cartel
Last Song: 99-Fightstar
Sort by Time -
Shortest Song: Ooooh...Aaah...-Butch Walker
Longest Song: Octavarium-Dream Theater
Sort by Artist -
First Artist: The Academy Is
Last Artist: 36 Crazyfists
Sort by Album -
First Album: Across the Universe OST-Various Artists
Last Album: 9-Damien Rice
Search the Keyword -
Song title only - and see how many songs appear:
"Sex": 6
"Death": 36
"Love": 113
"You": 405
"Me": 717
"Drug": 1
"Hate": 28
Shuffle your library and list the first five songs. No padding your
playlist you hipster, you. Be honest!! or I'll kill you.
1.We've Got a Big Mess on Our Hands-The Academy Is
2.Trains-Porcupine Tree
3.Destiny-The Rocket Summer
4.Newport Living-Cute Is What We Aim For
5.The Crane Wife 1 and 2-The Decemberists
Total music: 2381 songs
-lately i've been thinking such treacherous thoughts
-maybe surprises can be welcomed
-everything works itself out somehow, maybe we just need to lower our expectations a little
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
ah sais tae you
we had vetting for rapture. i hope this year is a good year. go alumni! haha. and i so cannot hiphop. my defence: i'm chinese. i don't think H-I-P-H-O-P is written into our chinese DNA. pity. anywhoo. met yixiang and peihui for harold and kumar at freaking tampines. it was only after an hour plus bus ride home at midnight that i realised exactly how far tampines is from home. and even after the bus ride, i ended up at toa payoh, not HOME. but anyway. haha i love the racist bits in the movie--about the jews and afghan terrorists. and i visited shijie at work! missed her muchos (: ly f sq!
Mother's day! i baked apple pie for my mommy. yeah believe it. lynette's finally domesticated. oh but i screwed up the lattice-weaving-pie-crust-shit. it was simply to complicated for me. and omfg i peeled,cored and sliced EIGHT apples. all eight of them and ended up with a few nicks. but i think my mommy liked it.
PAYDAY. and BFF sorta surprised me by being in the area and available for lunch. haha telepathy much? subway and chocolate chip+double chocolate chip cookies. too cool. and haha she's so cute and random. OH. and OMG. at work there's was this mofo rude caller. NO ONE has ever so condescendingly called me lousy before. i wanted to just bitch slap that smirk (i imagine) off that smug pug-like face (again, i think this is what he looks like, it's only befitting). yeah. i guess it can be said that i tend to hold grudges. at least for as long as i can remember them.
i've been reading 'trainspotting' by irvine welsh and it's taken me a week plus to get past the halfway mark. the scottish collequial is just so hard to decipher, but i'm slowly plowing through. it helps sometimes to read it out loud, but most times i end up in giggles at how ridiculous i sound, how decidedly un-scottish. lessons learnt: 1)fitba is football and 2)addiction is dangerous
for a chance to dance with stars
Thursday, May 08, 2008
take the wheel and
Happy birthday kris! , you scary pro dancer you. AND SO ANTI-MALAYSIAN. tsk. i hope someone comes after you!
Happy birthday peihui! keep the whole emo child thing going, and don't stop being lame and entertaining!
manda and me did some stuff for the ball thingy. i swear it FELT like we were hitting the accents. haha guess it's just proof of how utterly musically retarded i am.
then i went for my first ever driving lesson. HAHA i KNOW i sounded like a complete ditz, so much so the instructor was struggling to hide his exasperation :/ but surprisingly, it was kinda fun. he kept trying to drill his mantra into my head: look far and wide, far and felt like i was seeing the lane and ahead of it, but not actually seeing. as if everything was ever so slightly out of focus. kinda feels like what i'm doing half the time, merely coursing through with little control. but anyway. i think i scared this poor motorcyclist shitless because the car simply drifted a little too close for comfort, towards him.
then went to BFF's house to bake for our dear mothers. heehee she's so cute. and yeah our cakes were damn cool-banana chocolate walnut cake which sort of became banana walnut chocolate lava cake because the melted chocolate had pooled at the bottom, in the middle of the cheesy heart-shaped cake.
work was yawn. but i made plans to attempt an apple pie over the weekend. haha. attempt being the watch word here. i'm confused about the lattice pie crust though. looks like intensely complicated weaving shit to me.
edit-omggg eww. just drop dead and leave me the fuck alone.
Friday, May 02, 2008
happy birthday you
i baked her cupcakes, after my namesake. they turned out surprisingly well...i hope!

-before shot. some were kinda pasty looking. haha oops. and my kitchen was like a freaking oven. singapore is too hot to be cool. srsly.

-and after! i think i could very possibly pursue a career as a pastry chef. or maybe just limit myself to cupcakes.
i would post utterly embarrasing shots of her, buttttt i happen to be a really nice friend and i don't have it on the lappie. oh wells.
so forgive me now?!?!?
Monday, April 28, 2008
music:we used to be friends-the dandy warhols
so. i'm at work and i'm bored. that's not to say i don't have shit to do..more like i'd really rather do this. anywhoozers. update:
mambo-ed on wednesday. haha yeah my curfew was sorta lifted, sorta being the watch word here. went with yixiang and peihui. i like the YMCA. heh retarded much? yeah.

can you see the dinosaur/godzilla creature in sharpie on my java chip?! cool much? haha and yixiang threw a fit because his cup was blank.
thursday was wild wild wet again with mel! it was raining in the morning so we waited for the sun to shine again between breakfast and neoprints. haha kicked it old school for sure. i don't know, www was fun...but not as fun as the first time. guess the novelty of exactly 5 rides wore off. but shijie,mau and jun met us there and we could have started our very own synchronised swim team. too cool!

spent the weekend in malaysia and did--what else but a tv marathon? yeah. new series: torchwood. it's some sci-fi brit-eesh series. can you imagine how heart-breaked/disgusted i was when the cute captain of torchwood sucked face with this other dude?! tsk. the brits. what overly imaginative people.
OOH and i finally got a lap top! it's pretty. and shiny cool except i don't quite know how to properly use it yet. haha that's me, IT-stupid.
OH. and heh. my ex eye candy IT guy smiled at me!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
go earth snake!
haha that's a funny 'mood'. anyways,update!
firstly, a BEEG thankyou to kris for swapping shifts with me! but hey, i'm really doing you a favour, making up for all the MCs taken this month.
so anyways. it took this test to officially confirm that i'm perhaps more than a little confused. like, psychologically. if i was a shrink, i'd be concerned. and possibly scheming to take advantage of this cash cow.
my computer thing is so screwed up i've transferred all my music to this hard disk/drive/whatever and now i can't update my itunes because if i do the automatic sync thingy will just erase the rest of my songs now non-existent on the desktop YOU KNOW? i don't know.
i've always been skeptical of those corny ass feng shui masters but i don't know..i read this "2008 horoscope' by -insert chinese feng shui master chi-chi sounding name here- and i'm starting to think that maybe they do get some things right. apparently i'm an EARTH SNAKE, and it does sound pretty impressive. maybe. and the character profile seemed to fit, almost too well.
friday was movie night. me, mel and clara watched 'definitely, maybe'. i had no idea chick flicks could be confusing. i was convinced all along they were just complete brainless fluff. airy and light like cotton candy. pink too! i want to watch 'the other boelyn girl'. sibling rivalry sounds good, and better with a promise of an epic cat fight.
lunched with the baowu today! we talked a lot, what of exactly i can't really remember now. BUT the egg tart was shockingly edible. hahaha. i want pictures! date me soon kay.
then met cindy for a supposedly fruitful study session. we didn't actually get anything done till clara came along. haha. and i got bored studying for FTT after like page22. so i just sat and read 'namesake'. it's pretty good so far. then we dinnered at crystal jade, LA MEIN. yummm.
-i think i'm constantly, perpetually awkward. i soo need to grow out of it.
-someone point a big finger and give me direction and make everything fall into place. like a big jigsaw puzzle solver, or a traffic police, something.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
stuff happened, but i can't really remember what exactly. but i'm pretty sure something must have taken up my 24hours, every day.
well, wednesday was school. i really miss school :(( it feels so familiar and safe. me and shijie were there first so we took some pictures and came up with 3 eights worth of steps. haha we're so cool right, my funny friend! total geniuses really. and omg getting out of school was an adventure in itself. suffice to say, jun ended up being the only one WITHOUT disgustingly muddy feet. anyhow, shijie, jun, manda and me walked around PS and ate a lot of yummies! hahah.
and then thursday was dance with keisha and shijie. shijie baked me timtam cheesecake, upon my special request! AWW I LOVE YOU FRIEND. warm ups were tough as usual. and pathetic little me is still aching from it! :/
PAYDAY happened on friday! then after work met melmel for dinner. we wanted sushi but the queue was a mile long. thanks to SOME PEOPLE. haha. so we ended up at fish&co. we should seriously add hiphop artistes to our already impressive resume. we're just so talented at spitting out verses.
-i got good news on one of the days in this week. i really hope things start to look up.
-is there a point in life where you realize your parents aren't the people you thought they were while growing up? somehow at a single moment, you suddenly see them flawed, and not entirely invincible. and recognise a lot of them in you.
-i may have deleted friendster. haha. got bored of it.
-i don't know if its the mood swing talking, but i've been pretty irascible these past few days. and i don't like being a grouch, but i can't seem to help it!
-just stay away? pretty please.
-someone sent me a virus :((((( and it took awhile to figure out what to do, being IT-stupid and all.
-I HAVE JUST FINISHED READING SURVIVOR by Chuck Palahniuk. i really, really like him. It's about this alledged sole survivor of a suicide cult recounting his life as he is plunging towards the ground in an airplane with its engines gone. You trace how from an obedient servant he later becomes a media whore. yeah.believe it. my favourite line :-
'Because the only difference between a suicide and a martyrdom really is the
amount of press coverage.'
Fall in love with his sharp social satire now.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
i've lost track of my days, is this what work does to you? a 12hour shift at work is no joking matter, i must have sent 1000 desperate pleas for rescue. please sign up for gmail and gmail chat with me, somebody, anybody? there are cute emoticons we could play around with :)
ding tai fung dinner with melmel! and haha yes. it was my first time there. i like their xiao long baobaos! and yes, we had a ton of gossip up for exchange.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
all you need is loveeee
-this song is complete cuteness (: real sweet stuff.
haha it seems like i'm forever sleepy. BUT in my defense, i swear my mind is wide awake and frisky (heh sounds funny) but my eyelids won't halt their downward droop.
anyway. across the universe. finally watched it. but haha got interrupted like 3 times. and dudeee some graphic scenes. well sorta, a boob here, a boob there. my virgin eyessssss. HAHA. but it was good. i like jim sturgess! and since i'm such a sucker for sappy movie cliches, i obviously gushed over the end---jude sang 'all we need is love' on this rooftop and lucy heard and recognised him from a block away and came running back. AWW. but it was cool how the they made the plot fit a collection of the beatles songs into a seamless MOVICAL (movie-musical hahha)
work has been horrendously hectic the past few days. and today! was my first 12 hr shift. omfg. i was dying just as the clock came round to 4pm. imagine my utter dismay when (after some time) i calculated that i had 5 1/2 hours to go. hahaha kinda comical really. and i swear, some callers are SO NEUROTIC PARANOID. why do you need my card no?! i'm just asking a few questions so why should i give you my card no?! why?! why do you need to verify me?! why?! dude freaking chill. standard procedure. tsk.
okay. then the free-er part of my days are spent doing random personality quizzes. like these:
You Are a Banana

You are mellow, easy going, and a total softie on the inside.
People find it really easy to get along with you. You suit most tastes.
And while you're very sweet, you're not boring or ordinary.
You have an attraction to the exotic, and you could show up anywhere... doing almost anything!
You are spirited, energetic, and a total kick to be around.
You're also quite funny. Your sense of humor is on the goofy side, and it fits you well.
You Are a Comma
You are open minded and extremely optimistic. You enjoy almost all facets of life. You can find the good in almost anything. You keep yourself busy with tons of friends, activities, and interests. You find it hard to turn down an opportunity, even if you are pressed for time. Your friends find you fascinating, charming, and easy to talk to. (But with so many competing interests, you friends do feel like you hardly have time for them.)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
rant (v)
maybe we don't want to be found
maybe we don't want to be found
thanks kris for this song! i really like this.
OMFG. i swear. the stupid CPF thingy is out to get all of our pays. it took me FOREVER to locate the opt out option for the medishield scheme and it wasn't where they said it would be! and all the while They were slowing draining my bank account of the hard earned cash. okay, maybe not exactly but i did think it was some huge conspiracy against me. They keep signing me up for shit without my permission, and then i have to go through all this trouble to opt out of the shit they signed me up for which takes up a lot of my preciously little time!
OH. and i've got another stalker. oh man. the dude gives me the creeps. interogative much? where is your office? what are your working hours? what is your extension number? what is your name? how do you spell it? what is your chinese name? how do you spell that? haha but before that 'he's such a stalker' thought it was the 'i bet he is a spy' thought. call me paranoid, but i really did think he was some secret service dude doing a background check on me and the company.
AND. i finished DEXTER season 1. dudeeeeee best series ever. omg i swear my heart literally stopped when i thought the ice truck killer was about to...but then dexter he...and they found out...and then the ice truck killer got...HAHA. spoiler.
yeahhhhhhh im sleepy. and aching from dance!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
OMGGGG. i've got like a billion and one things to say. but these top my list:
1.I FINALLY SAW MY BABY OSCAR! and he's grown so so much. but he's really naughty, it makes me :( when he keeps gnawing at me.
2.DEXTER is fucking gooddddddd.
Based on Jeff Lindsay's novels Darkly Dreaming Dexter and Dearly Devoted Dexterokay, DEXTER is essentially this serial killer who's unbelievably cool. and i'm tired because i stayed up till 4am watching DEXTERRRRRR. it's really twisted, but such a total guilty pleasure.
this crime thriller follows Dexter Morgan. Dexter is a forensic blood spatter
expert for the Miami Dade Police Department. He is the main support for his
sister. He has a steady girlfriend, with two kids who adore him. He also has an
active "night life". Based on a code instilled in him by his foster father,
Harry, he hunts down people who have escaped justice and makes sure they don't
get away with a crime again.
3. good friday holiday! i like my job, but i don't like having to work :/
4. HEYS. heehee.
5.sleepover at clara's last saturday. i learnt how to mahjong! ..sorta. and muchos laughter makes for good times (:
Thursday, March 13, 2008
i love this song. haha the singer's accent is so cute. though i have no clue what he's singing about half the time.
it's not about your make-up
or how you try to shape up
to these tiresome paper dreams
paper dreams, honey
work's fun. i saw cute IT guy today. but damnit, my comp was in working order. still, maybe tomorrow...HAHA. but i'm so very stressed, especially when the calls start coming one after another, especially when my multi-tasking skills are at a near zero, especially...
joined kris at smu for dance yesterday and OMG. i was barely alive after WARM-freaking-UPS. like, pathetic much? and there was still 2 hours of tech and choreo to get through. but i survived, amazingly so. although, i'm aching pretty much all over.
and yeah that's all. i think.
i hate the rain. you can say it's soothing or whatever, but all i know is it gets into my shoes and skin. and then i'm cold inside out.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
look alive, see these bones
-they don't even know
-and we're both so good at faking normalcy
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
case update
two-juno was really really good. and baowu is really really strange.
three-work is strangely fun! although i keep forgetting schtuff. haha and shijie tells me to use my 'sexy' voice. hell yeah!
four-psych season two. pure, unadulterated joy.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
-monday's sentosa recap thingy sometime later cos it needs pictures which have yet to appear from mel who brought the camera and basically is too lazy to send me them so i have nothing to show for the trip which was totally cool cos there were jump shots and the sand and the cool waters and i even got a tan out of it so wow.
1.eye candy is so infuriating. tsk. he sounds completely unenthused. is that even a word? i don't care.
2.i think i talk way too much sometimes, especially when i'm nervous. i should probably learn when to simply shut up.
3.i hate bugs and aluminium foil.
5.i still don't know how/when to say no. i should practice?
6.i'm all envy for those who know exactly what they want, who are doing exactly what they want and who are exactly who they want to be.
setting up sunday
watching the winter grow so, oh, no
we're making excuses
for insecurities
it's not about me
oh, it's never about me
Thursday, February 21, 2008
happy birthday

here's an OLD WOMAN. haha imagine being 19 when most of us are still 18. but I LOVE YOU STILL XINEEEE! i hope you like this photo, hahah someone looks HOT there!
hahha we are such posers and there's me with my hair at a length i do not want to ever remember or see ever again. anyway. I LOVE YOU MY FUNNY FRIEND (f.sq) and you're like so old liaozzz.
HAHHA i have 43 friends on friendster now. but seriously, i don't understand friendster. if it wasn't for the whole b--n--r thingy, you would never catch me on it. or even facebook. bleh. but then again...B--N--R! hee. so cuteeeee.
finally finished 'the picture of dorian gray'. heh it took awhile because i kept re-reading whole paragraphs. it's really hard to read, but worth it. THE ENDING IS SOOO COOL. okay, so i might have peeked and read ahead. lessons learnt: vanity is evil. indulgence is immoral. influence is amoral. it's kind of frightening how much someone can influence you unknowingly. or worst, deliberately.
anddd i'm almost done with 'the handmaid's tale'. it's so twisted. hahah i seem to have a penchant for warped stories about sick people.
stuff happened, but it's an '-ed' so i'm feeling better now. is pretending the same as lying? because i'm getting pretty good at pretending everything's okay. but i've always been good at telling lies.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
wild wild wet with mel!
haha like,finally. i love the u-slide thingy, real fun. haha and i dared mel not to scream on the way down, and her constipated face was all i could see while "free falling" down the slope. she's so cute. but omg the ah bengs were sooo annoying in between their attempts to capsize me and splash us with water. like wth?! and the lifeguards too! big bullies. but yeah we finally got our tan! sorta...sentosa soon okay! OH then after the million stairs and ass heavy floats we climbed and carried, i went for lyrical jazz class. almost died. didn't help that it was hard! but it's okay. we'll show him next week what we're made of! yeah!
lazed around, went post chinese new year shopping with the mother before meeting the keewei after. she's really strange. but yeah thanks for the pressie. and the scarf's cool okay. you just don't know how to properly appreciate it. pfft
dance at school. and PEOPLE were late for breakfast. tsk. anyway, dinner later with family (: okay bye.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
om shanti shanti
so i disappeared to malaysia for chinese new year but i'm back now. yay. anyway--short update or whatever.
+chinese new year goodies
+red packets
-the ang pao money goes directly to my university fund. i didn't even get to smell the new, crisp notes ):
-feeling like a stranger and awkward for a second with extended family
+but then everything becomes comfortable and we laugh and talk easy
-everyone asking about A's results. fuckkkkkk.
cause i've been housing all this doubt and insecurity
+me and my cousin finally talked after 3498461285 years
+i had my aunt's new puppy oscar for a day ((((((: he's my baby!
-oscar belongs to my aunt who lives across the causeway ))))):
+spent most of my time watching season 3 of the office. sooo good
+HAHAH and we watched music&lyrics and i particularly liked the cora chick singing that buddha song "om shanti shanti" like wtf. but i think that entire scene was a social commentary on how hollywood has celebritised (new word,my word) religion. look at madonna and kabbalah. OR maybe it's purely a chick flick and not that high-brow.
+i've been reading ferociously for the past weeks and i've got an exciting new book--the picture of dorian gray
-i don't know what it is, but something's got my entire family extremely irritable with each other
so overall, i'd say chinese new year this year was pretty good, seeing as how there are more pluses than minuses. OM SHANTI SHANTI.
Monday, February 04, 2008
uh. momentary mental block.
oh. had dinner with some of the dancers on friday night which was fun and then shijie and jun slept over not before some DRAMAZ yeah capitalized for effect haha we didn't end up doing what we were supposed to do but we watched 'the search for the next pussy cat doll' and stalked people on friendster and omgggggg i've found eye candy heh and seriously contemplated signing up on friendster so that i could just add him but pity we couldn't find jun/jean's cute guy yeah and thank you shijie's mommy for the pineapple tarts yeah then went to malaysia over the weekend which was pretty fun thanks to food and dvds--'the office' and 'heroes' before coming back today for hiphop just now haha me mau and manda formed an alliance--those who suck at hiphop but yeah fun stuff the dancers are going to the night safari next thursday yay haven't been there in eons so can't wait but before that i'll be going back to malaysia tomorrow which is pretty odd but it's all thanks to my mom's grand chinese new year plan.
wow longest sentence EVER. and shijie's still holding my eeyore captive! SAVE THE EEYORE. hahahhaa.
anyway, i've been thinking. i should just stop thinking. everything's much easier that way.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
haha i love this song. it's my guilty pleasure. heh. so is kyle patrick (:
anyway. mel wanted me to blog about HER so here goes:
we met for breakfast as usual. heh i like how fast we decide on what to eat, and we've made it our mission to have breakfast at every place possible. anddd i think we've almost accomplished that! and yeah usual gossip and el-oh-el (LOL) session. she's so retarded srsly. but i love you MEL, MY TWINNIE. and our wild,wild wet trip must happen!
anddd i've some other stuff to say but i need to pick my daddyo from the airport now sooooo.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
-american gangsters was good. denzel washington's amazing. i know drugs are bad and all, but is it wrong if i was rooting for him, the drug kingpin? ehh. russell crowe just seems like a total sleaze ball. but there were lots of boobs flashing throughout the movie. weird.
-met up with BFF on monday! hahah she's so unglam it's absolutely impossible to believe. loveeee.
-i'm kinda confused, so much so i dream about it. like wth?!
-dance today was good, we're almost done! okay. only sorta.
-i got my podster back! yay. im a happy kid. i swear i could've hugged it.
-i'm on to supernatural season3! heh. jared padalecki's still a cutie. loveeee. although, this season doesn't seem as scary..which is fine by me. heh.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
charm your way out
You Would Be a Pet Bird |
![]() Why you would make a great pet: You're very smart and entertaining Why you would make a bad pet: You're not interested in being anyone's pet! What you would love about being a bird: Flying, obviously What you would hate about being a bird: Being caged |
Saturday, January 26, 2008
tragic affair
MY IPOD'S BEEN KIDNAPPED, AND IS GONNA REMAIN SO FOR ANOTHER 4 DAYS. and i'm feeling so lost now, after being separated from it for all of 30mins. )))): i don't know how i'm gonna make it through to wednesday!
i'm not okay
haha i love this song.
anywhoo. i fell in love today. with this cute little 8 year old boy who stole my heart when he stumbled over the words 'sensitive skin'. awww. i wanted to steal him away at that moment ((((: too cute.
OH. and wednesday was a class reunion thingy and keewei/baowu owes me cool photos. but wednesday was ridiculous. had dance practice which went really well! and then had to rush home before rushing again to dinner. at least i wasn't the latest! yay.

AND. this UNCLE asked if i was a MAINLAND CHINESE GIRL. like what?! cos apparently my chinese is accented. well i guess i should be consoled by the fact that my chinese can't be half bad then, if he thought i was CHEENA.
ALSO friday was kinda cool because i had many surprises (:
i don't understand her sometimes.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
i'm too tired to be coherent and point form:
-i'm still blinded by the whole view of this random lady's very white ass.
-this other lady actually clucked to call her husband over, and he actually heard her from 200m away. talk about hen-pecked. HAHAHAHHAH
-i finished 'vanishing acts' and realised i like novels where everything falls into place in the end, perfectly packaged and tied up with a neat little bow. it's a little reassuring, that everything will work out in the end.
-i think i'm pretty anti-social. lunching with "colleagues" is an awkward affair, particularly since all conversation is in chinese. i probably should have paid more attention during chinese lessons.
-RANT ALERT 1: apparently i'm not a girl enough. this OTHER lady asked which colour foundation she should use and i said hesitantly ivory something or other and she said annoyingly that that was too white a colour for her. LIKE HELLOOOO LADY DO YOU NEED A MIRROR?! your face IS white. and other colours would look freakish. tsk. sooo apparently i don't know anything about cosmetics and such. whateverrrrrrr.
-27 dresses is really good! i like katherine heigl. and james marden. and them together in the end (((: work would be sooo much better if i had eye candy ))):
-'i don't know' is the most over-used phrase for me because it means i don't have to think.
-i am gonna meditate on the picture of jared padalecki aka the cute sensitive dude from supernatural. maybe then i'll dream of him. heehee.
-RANT ALERT 2: i submitted this application thingy for this secondary school for relief teaching and i was rejected. but what pisses me off most is that it reads: dear shu ling, we are sorry to inform you that we do not have any vacancies for relief teachers. WTF. WHO IS SHU LING?!?!?!? growl. FINE I DON'T WANT TO BE RELIEVING YOUS ANYWAY.
-AND that colleague of mine said i was pretty because of my face shape. LIKE WHAT? what about my eyes? or other stuffs?!?!?! tsk.tsk.tsk.
okay, i'm done.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
this song's soothing.
you're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow
i'm reading this book called 'vanishing acts' and it seems to be very chick lit, not that i'm complaining though.
i remember that for one moment, i believed that i was hitchhiking on one of
those comets, falling so fast that i'd surely burn away before i ever hit the
heh. how adorable.
anyway. watched one missed call yesterday. it was such a crappy horror flick in that it wasn't all THAT scary. haha the funniest scene had to be the one where a priest was trying to exorcise a ghost from the cellphone. it looked too comical. and the himbo certainly lived up to his name, he shopped and i, a girl didn't. shocker.
then me and shijie slept over at manda's not before stopping by cold rock (HAHA 'MANDAYY'). i like the gummibears hidden in my icecream and the swing set that made me and shijie slightly sea sick. planning the zombies/killer dolls dance was real exciting though, we've got really cool ideas that i hope will turn out right. but but but i want you to dance true friend! ): haha we spent most part of the night laughing at pictures of people which was good fun (:
and hahahhaha. this song was playing on my ipod where the intro was some voicemail thingy. 'you have one missed call...' like el-oh-el!
sometimes i feel my heart trembling to burst out into a foreign song but i can't quite hear it and i can't understand it.
Monday, January 14, 2008
whine alert!
the peihui told me to update so here goes:
- my first instinct is to whine and bitch about my job but it seems to be all i ever do. euugh i'm such an annoying human.
- it sucks to be only just mediocre especially when there's so little room for people who are only just okay.
- i'm having a hard time separating the things i actually want from the things i know others want for me. except, i don't even have the slightest idea what i want.
- sometimes, i want to not be taken so seriously.
anyway, i had the strangest, freakiest dream ever that involved a person repeatedly yanking on my ponytail. like what?!?! i don't understand how my brain works. it seems like it never sleeps. bleh. all i want next christmas, is dreamless and uninterrupted sleep.
edit-big thankyous to ashmit for breakfast on sat, shije mau jun stephen for coming to visit me on sun!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
heavy downpour means less customers. less customers mean little talking. little talking means more time spent in my head.
-i wish i could be a better person
-humans are impossible
i found out i like going for walks while listening to my podster. although it would be more fitting for the movie screens if it were cold starry night.
ps: tom yum is YUM.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
weird people and weirder dreams
hahaha i think i'm pretty horrible at keeping secrets and surprises, but thankfully its shijie we were trying to surprise (i'm not implying anything!) so me and jun managed to successfully surprise her at work. and woahhhh i've never ever been to tampines mall before! so happening siazxxx. anyhow, we seoul-garden-ded after that...we make good chefs with incredibly innovative recipes that may or may not give you a tummy ache. heh.
ice skating with jun, shijie, the himbo and my brother. haha me, jun and The Fishball had a little drawing competition while waiting for the slowpokes and jun definitely is the BEST artist EVER. anyhow. met keish and her class at the rink, of all places. CINDYYYYYYY. hoho.
freaking work again. bleh. BUT i improved from last thurs although still managing to fall below my quota. hey, it takes skill okay! oh, but hahahha last night, i dreamt my mother was this tyrant and everyone hid from her in this secret annex except they wouldn't let me in simply because she was my mother which is completely unfair but then i finally proved my innocence and they let me in. wow longest sentence ever.
doesn't it suck when you think you know this person and in the
next minute see a complete stranger?
hey, guess what. WORK TOMORROW!
Monday, January 07, 2008
work fricking sucks.
HAHA. how ironic. im feeling OLD now, with itunes playing 'feeling this'. i never thought it would suck to hit 18, or even-dare i say it-19 this year. things that make me feel old:
1) work.
shit, the adults weren't kidding when they said work is helluva worse than school. if it weren't for the money...i keep chanting in my head:paydaypaydaypayday. bleh. and srsly. aunties and ah mas need to learn to have a little respect for us poor promoters here! it's really a humbling job. note: you don't have to completely ignore us. but thanks to clement, leilei and peewee for visiting me and buying a box or two of hairdye!
jazz class today with manda,shijie,mau,vk,keisha. it was pretty good but it appears that i'm so totally out of shape! my arms are trembling from today's class and it's a pretty safe bet i'll be aching tomorrow!
anyway. other stuff happened--
2jan:met up with the BFF kisha after job training to catch up, watch i am legend and exhange belated xmas gifts. oh yeah and our little book club. it's so funny how we both cringed and cried at the same moments (:
3-6jan: work ))))))))): but! breakfasts with mel and on sunday with baowu/keewei made the days start off great!
today: spring cleaning in my room. at the end of it (it took me a grand total of 3.5hours) i had 5 trash bags to show for my efforts. it's scary how much can accumulate in 4 years--cobwebs, junk, memories.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
this must be the new year
cindy's costume party
HAPPY (belated) 18th CINDYYY. you're like, finally 18 and can drive. sorry your costume party didn't turn out as you wanted, but you gotta admit, me and mel won the contest hands down! so where's our vouchers! haha.
i love you truckloads cin! dance has been really fun with youuuuu and your retardedness (:
greek masterpieces @ the national museum
haha. i finally got to wear my shades out. just too cool for words yo.
i swear, the grecians are the single most imaginative people ever. the lust, incest, betrayal, jealousy woven into their mythology makes for a highly entertaining soap opera. DRAMA! oh and its comforting to know that men come before women who then come before children, children being the lowest form of life to walk the earth...or something. heh.
new year's
spent new year's eve with family friends, and fittingly, a Friends marathon. i love joey and phoebe! it was comfortable. michelle quoted death cab's song 'the new year'--
So this is the new year
And i don't feel any different
its really sad but true, and the same goes for birthdays. but i've still accordingly made my new year's resolutions:
1)to keep secrets
2)to be more decisive
at the crossroad where so many possibilities lie ahead and heavenward. some road signs would be nice.