pictures from saturday--

our ingenious brownie cupcakes! okay maybe not so much.

our grossly demented cookies. hahah they are such evil little amoeba like shits, trying to engulf the surrounding others. but they WERE yummilicious.

clara,mel and me!
hahha omg i was so freaking bored at work, you have no idea. you'd think i would be immune to it, after being constantly subjected to such immense boredom...but no. anyway the outcome of such--

because m&m's makes everyone happy! if you don't crack a smile when you see this little sucker, you're an emotionless, callously cold FISH. i don't like fish.

a disgruntled m&m smiley. unhappy because i'm about to eat it. yum.
so i'm practically devouring books whole. i'm nearly done with 'stranger than fiction' by chuck palahniuk. i really, really like him.
'Okay, okay, so maybe we're headed down a road toward mindless,
self-obsessed lives where every event is reduced to words and camera angles.
Every moment imagined through the lens of a cinematographer. Every funny or sad
remark scribbled down for sale at the first opportunity.
A world Socrates couldn't imagine, where people would examine their lives,
but only in terms of movie and paperback potential.
Where a story no longer follows as a result of an experience.
Now the experience happens in order to generate a story.'
anddd i'm guilty as charged.
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