Monday, November 10, 2008


music: when it rains-paramore
mood: lazy

and when it rains,
on this side of town it touches everything

it's currently pouring outside my window.

the perfect weather to sleep in, but i have this thing called finals which are pretty much soon.

talked to baowu a few days back ( i think? im losing track of my days) and i really really supremely extremely miss her ): i'd almost forgotten how entertaining she is. heh

i'm here typing this pointless entry simply because i don't really want to start on tautomerism. haha i'm not even sure that's how you spell it, but. it's slightly scary how most of my notes are empty and the slides are definitely not self-explanatory. i have post-its with 'WHAT?!' all over.

oh the weekend was much needed. i spent time with family, ate shitloads of food, went rollerblading (i thinkkkkk i bladed 10km. apparently i should go pro) basically got ready for hall and school again.

is it just me or do our birthday wishlists get shorter as we get older? it's not that we want less, but that we want more intangible things. things not on departmental shelves or with a price tag.

say goodnight and go.

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