Friday, June 01, 2007


music:brighter than sunshine-aqualung

EEE. i love this song. it's impossibly sweet.

let the rain fall i don't care
i'm yours and suddenly you're mine
love was brighter than sunshine

oh, i changed the layout! i think the new one's pretti-ful (: call me fickle or whatever, but the previous layout had to go. the pink flowery details were getting old. pooey. short update--

tjc reverie3 and we were guest performers. i thought we were pretty blah, but apparently we were pretty neat. so yay for us i guess. i thought tj's video was really cool especially when set to 'listen' by beyonce. i didn't study much unfortunately, but i've a new nickname for jun and i! LB1 and 2. haha.

slept over at cin's after it ended. scrubbed hard at my face and scalp to remove all the glitter and gel. yuck. slept without a pillow, but with a full stomach. heh. woke up early for a mac's breakfast. yum.

didn't have tuition today! hoho. buttttt i really need to get a move on with the homework and studying :/ ehh. maybe tomorrow. VETTING TOMORROW! holy geez.

anywhoo, this is a bit belated, but : sometimes i'm amazed at how similar we mother and daughter are. not just in temperament but also the relationships we have. maybe i should have told her this on mother's day.

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