it's slightly scary and unnerving how 6 months of sweat, frustration, dead skin, tears, worry, blood...can all be compressed to a mere 7.03mins. i barely registered i had ran onstage from the wings before i was running out again. but we were all pretty happy it was all over. and zaki said he was pleased :)
we got gold. i won't lie, there was definitely disappointment and perhaps a bit of relief. well, it's forward and onward with rapture!

on the upside, we emerged a stronger and tighter team :)
hahahha. i hit a personal best today! 12.37mins. go ahead and laugh, but it almost killed me to run in that sweltering heat. but i learnt that after the 3rd round, sheer human will takes over. pity i've got so little.
a line from 'the wind-up bird chronicle' by haruki murakami-
a person's destiny is something you look back at after it's past, not something you see in advance.
just a simple sentence that stuck i guess.
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