alrights photos finally up from sat night, courtesy of clarahhhhh! cin and i met the others at jalan kayu for prata right after dance. it was kinda amusing, having to bathe in school and cin even brought her hair dryer?! weirdo. anywhoo. prata is pretty good, minus the oil, the heat, the smoke, the flies. haha. im serious. lots of laughs definitely!and then we lounged by kenneth's mulit-million dollar mansion's pool. you know, he has like 100 units all to himself! anywhoo, photos from that night:

me,mel,clarahhh,kenneth&cin. kenneth looking wayyy gay as usual.

me &cin. i hearts her muchos.

our random posse pose.
then we can go out more! shopping?!

me and mellums. twinnies forever. haha. playing telephone with the paper thosai.
i swear i mean it when i say it was BUGE. totally worth my $3.50!
i love photos. they totally capture the essence of that particular moment.
dance today was pretty bad. rehearsal at UCC :/ oh wells. we can do hella lot in 3 weeks! jiayous.
it feels so weird to not have tutorials to rush through, but it feels nice :)