Thursday, May 22, 2008
but if you left it up to me
everyday would be a holiday from real
i've just finished packing, exactly 4hrs before my flight takes off. wow.
anyway, italy's expecting me sooo
try not to miss me too much (:
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
pictures from saturday--

our ingenious brownie cupcakes! okay maybe not so much.

our grossly demented cookies. hahah they are such evil little amoeba like shits, trying to engulf the surrounding others. but they WERE yummilicious.

clara,mel and me!
hahha omg i was so freaking bored at work, you have no idea. you'd think i would be immune to it, after being constantly subjected to such immense boredom...but no. anyway the outcome of such--

because m&m's makes everyone happy! if you don't crack a smile when you see this little sucker, you're an emotionless, callously cold FISH. i don't like fish.

a disgruntled m&m smiley. unhappy because i'm about to eat it. yum.
so i'm practically devouring books whole. i'm nearly done with 'stranger than fiction' by chuck palahniuk. i really, really like him.
'Okay, okay, so maybe we're headed down a road toward mindless,
self-obsessed lives where every event is reduced to words and camera angles.
Every moment imagined through the lens of a cinematographer. Every funny or sad
remark scribbled down for sale at the first opportunity.
A world Socrates couldn't imagine, where people would examine their lives,
but only in terms of movie and paperback potential.
Where a story no longer follows as a result of an experience.
Now the experience happens in order to generate a story.'
anddd i'm guilty as charged.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
i want ashton
received some good news which kept me somewhat perky throughout work :) met up with mel to somewhat finalise our travel plans. haha but found ourselves back to where we'd started. i don't think either of us are too great at making decisions. chinatown dessert was good though.
baked cookies and brownies with mel after dance. they were good yeah! we should so totally start our own lil cafe/bakery thing. watched 'what happens in vegas' with the choir peoples-clara,mel,elroy,zhicong. i was pleasantly surprised, it was pretty entertaining for a chick flick. largely due to ASHTON KUTCHER who was unfailingly ADORABLE throughout. awww. pictures from mel soon.
I'm bored soooo:-
Open iTunes. Go to your library. Answer, no matter how embarrassing it is.
Sort by Song -
First Song: A-Cartel
Last Song: 99-Fightstar
Sort by Time -
Shortest Song: Ooooh...Aaah...-Butch Walker
Longest Song: Octavarium-Dream Theater
Sort by Artist -
First Artist: The Academy Is
Last Artist: 36 Crazyfists
Sort by Album -
First Album: Across the Universe OST-Various Artists
Last Album: 9-Damien Rice
Search the Keyword -
Song title only - and see how many songs appear:
"Sex": 6
"Death": 36
"Love": 113
"You": 405
"Me": 717
"Drug": 1
"Hate": 28
Shuffle your library and list the first five songs. No padding your
playlist you hipster, you. Be honest!! or I'll kill you.
1.We've Got a Big Mess on Our Hands-The Academy Is
2.Trains-Porcupine Tree
3.Destiny-The Rocket Summer
4.Newport Living-Cute Is What We Aim For
5.The Crane Wife 1 and 2-The Decemberists
Total music: 2381 songs
-lately i've been thinking such treacherous thoughts
-maybe surprises can be welcomed
-everything works itself out somehow, maybe we just need to lower our expectations a little
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
ah sais tae you
we had vetting for rapture. i hope this year is a good year. go alumni! haha. and i so cannot hiphop. my defence: i'm chinese. i don't think H-I-P-H-O-P is written into our chinese DNA. pity. anywhoo. met yixiang and peihui for harold and kumar at freaking tampines. it was only after an hour plus bus ride home at midnight that i realised exactly how far tampines is from home. and even after the bus ride, i ended up at toa payoh, not HOME. but anyway. haha i love the racist bits in the movie--about the jews and afghan terrorists. and i visited shijie at work! missed her muchos (: ly f sq!
Mother's day! i baked apple pie for my mommy. yeah believe it. lynette's finally domesticated. oh but i screwed up the lattice-weaving-pie-crust-shit. it was simply to complicated for me. and omfg i peeled,cored and sliced EIGHT apples. all eight of them and ended up with a few nicks. but i think my mommy liked it.
PAYDAY. and BFF sorta surprised me by being in the area and available for lunch. haha telepathy much? subway and chocolate chip+double chocolate chip cookies. too cool. and haha she's so cute and random. OH. and OMG. at work there's was this mofo rude caller. NO ONE has ever so condescendingly called me lousy before. i wanted to just bitch slap that smirk (i imagine) off that smug pug-like face (again, i think this is what he looks like, it's only befitting). yeah. i guess it can be said that i tend to hold grudges. at least for as long as i can remember them.
i've been reading 'trainspotting' by irvine welsh and it's taken me a week plus to get past the halfway mark. the scottish collequial is just so hard to decipher, but i'm slowly plowing through. it helps sometimes to read it out loud, but most times i end up in giggles at how ridiculous i sound, how decidedly un-scottish. lessons learnt: 1)fitba is football and 2)addiction is dangerous
for a chance to dance with stars
Thursday, May 08, 2008
take the wheel and
Happy birthday kris! , you scary pro dancer you. AND SO ANTI-MALAYSIAN. tsk. i hope someone comes after you!
Happy birthday peihui! keep the whole emo child thing going, and don't stop being lame and entertaining!
manda and me did some stuff for the ball thingy. i swear it FELT like we were hitting the accents. haha guess it's just proof of how utterly musically retarded i am.
then i went for my first ever driving lesson. HAHA i KNOW i sounded like a complete ditz, so much so the instructor was struggling to hide his exasperation :/ but surprisingly, it was kinda fun. he kept trying to drill his mantra into my head: look far and wide, far and felt like i was seeing the lane and ahead of it, but not actually seeing. as if everything was ever so slightly out of focus. kinda feels like what i'm doing half the time, merely coursing through with little control. but anyway. i think i scared this poor motorcyclist shitless because the car simply drifted a little too close for comfort, towards him.
then went to BFF's house to bake for our dear mothers. heehee she's so cute. and yeah our cakes were damn cool-banana chocolate walnut cake which sort of became banana walnut chocolate lava cake because the melted chocolate had pooled at the bottom, in the middle of the cheesy heart-shaped cake.
work was yawn. but i made plans to attempt an apple pie over the weekend. haha. attempt being the watch word here. i'm confused about the lattice pie crust though. looks like intensely complicated weaving shit to me.
edit-omggg eww. just drop dead and leave me the fuck alone.
Friday, May 02, 2008
happy birthday you
i baked her cupcakes, after my namesake. they turned out surprisingly well...i hope!

-before shot. some were kinda pasty looking. haha oops. and my kitchen was like a freaking oven. singapore is too hot to be cool. srsly.

-and after! i think i could very possibly pursue a career as a pastry chef. or maybe just limit myself to cupcakes.
i would post utterly embarrasing shots of her, buttttt i happen to be a really nice friend and i don't have it on the lappie. oh wells.
so forgive me now?!?!?