someday you will find me
caught beneath the landslide
in a champagne supernova in the sky
first things first:

nietz schwitz! haha. love ya truckloads. its amazing how this year marks the 6th year i've known you. mind-blowing. haha. its wonderful how our personalities clash so much, and yet, despite it all, here we are. closer than ever. seeya in Canada. hopefully sometime FAR from winter. im thinking summer. haha.
second: heal the world concert. ahhh it was alright. didn't make any major screw-ups, thankfully. i think the dance was really beautiful, the music, the choreography and all. AND plus point:we didn't have to put much make-up on! woots.
third: math test tomorrow. and i am in no way prepared for it. i know i should probably start working my (hot) ass off, but i tell you, the procrastinator genes are deeply embedded within my genome code thingy. euugh. obviously my biology leaves much to be desired.
i need to stop making excuses. (for me and you)
Sleep is what i need to get rid of the tiredness felt in my bones.
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