so. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to keisha, mel , my brother and i. the morning itself i was pleasantly surprised by cake at my doorstep. obviously i stood at the door with my mouth agape for a good one minute. maybe. soo unglam. anyways. a BIG THANKYOU to xuanting BFF, BAOWU, rachhhh, peewee, clar-rahhh. then later met the og peoples at swensens, followed by a little shopping and movie. then had dinner with ah ting and watched secret. jay chou at his finest, only not really. it was unbelievably cheesy! zzzomg.

the cake that gave me diarrhoea for 20 days. haha kidding. thanks BAOWU. it was surprisingly yummy and edible :)

flowers that will never die!

i heart babies. don't they just make you melt? this little thing was what i went to KL for. oh and it was precisely on the coach to KL when i realised i'd grown up. i was bored 5 mins into the cartoon sequel of sleeping beauty! pretty good ay.
--ooh. and i finally read 'fight club' by chuck palahniuk. it was disturbing but so good. the twist at the end totally blew my mind. i want to watch the movie. anddd despite the graphic violence, sex and what-not, the sappy romantic in me sees a love story embedded within:
"It's not love or anything," Marla shouts, "but I think I like you,
One minute.
Marla likes Tyler.
"No, I like you," Marla shouts. "I know the difference."
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