just a keep a hold on me don't let go
if you float away
if you float away
waiting too long for a ship to come
don't you float away
don't you float away
so. rapture'07:

it was a blast really.
XINYI! we managed to pull off our item! yay for us :)
and yet tears were still shed, not because we came to the end of the performance but because it seemed like the last time we would dance together. that realization really got my waterworks going as i thought about the countless afternoons and nights spent on the cc stage,in front of the GO,in the puny studio of ours. i thought of the long trips on the train/bus to performance venues, the hours spent backstage just fooling around.
it's kind of crazy just to think about all the (unlikely yet strong)
friendships formed in the course of one and a half years.
we might still go on dancing separately, elsewhere, but i'm really going to miss dancing with this special (some more than others! read:retarded) group of people :(

i ♥ the dancers!
on a sidenote, post-rapture=loads of work to be done. pooey.
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