mood:estatic (2 more days!)
and now that gig is up, the spell is broken
the fat lady's sung, the president has spoken
these days that you were waiting for will come and go
like any day, just another day
there's never gonna be a moment of truth for you
while the world is watching
all you need is the thing you've forgotten
and that's to learn to live with what you are
-i love ben folds. he owns BITCHES! plus the cover of dr. dre's 'bitches ain't shit'.
love me or hate me, its still an obsession
love me or hate me, that is the question
if you love me then
thank you
if you hate me then
-hahaha. this song, coupled with its music video just cracks me up. it doesn't help further, that it's just soo sing-able.
thursday:didnt do shitttt. attempted some math holiday homework. i don't think it helps that i can only do 1 out of every 5 questions attempted. (note: i only tried 5) talk about feeling demoralised, defeated by math. WEAK.
friday:dance-->learnt some combis, enough to make my head swirl. shopped a little with cindayyy. HAHA. HAHA. how embarrassing. who knew cloth could be sooo confusing. I LOVE COOKIES<3
saturday:went in to malaysia. finally found something i actually liked. ate shitloads of food.

forgive me if i go overboard with these little suckers. they were simply the perfect cure for boredom, cute too.
& finally-

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