mood:constipated (state of being,rather than mood)
i wanna catch your love and make it stay
oh it's a long, long haul
open house 2006

cindayyyy and me! haha. i love you like woah.

and then some, which i will steal and upload sometime later.
there's a good reason why they are called 'relatives', related to you yet not exactly family. good gawd. you'd think we were having a 'state-the obvious' competition. some people just take it that a couple of shared genes gives you the right to critique bluntly. oh and tipsy people do not make good singers, especially if they weren't singers to begin with. but what happens within the family, stays within the family. at least it was slightly entertaining.
movie stash
+snakes on the plane
+super size me
+take the lead
+south park
mostly old i know, but still.
haha south park: these overzealous (unnecessary, really) missionaries attempted to spread the gospel of god (again, unnecessary word) to these aliens on Marklar, only to be rejected. as she gave one last attempt to convert them--
missionary: you are gonna burn in hell!
marklar(yes,the people of Marklar are called Marklars, so are the stones,the water and mountains): okay, thank you.
"too good!"
i had already known beforehand that this refrain would be playing in my head
why do you build me up buttercup baby, just to bring me down?
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