Saturday, January 19, 2008


music:don't look back in anger-oasis

i'm too tired to be coherent and point form:

-i'm still blinded by the whole view of this random lady's very white ass.

-this other lady actually clucked to call her husband over, and he actually heard her from 200m away. talk about hen-pecked. HAHAHAHHAH

-i finished 'vanishing acts' and realised i like novels where everything falls into place in the end, perfectly packaged and tied up with a neat little bow. it's a little reassuring, that everything will work out in the end.

-i think i'm pretty anti-social. lunching with "colleagues" is an awkward affair, particularly since all conversation is in chinese. i probably should have paid more attention during chinese lessons.

-RANT ALERT 1: apparently i'm not a girl enough. this OTHER lady asked which colour foundation she should use and i said hesitantly ivory something or other and she said annoyingly that that was too white a colour for her. LIKE HELLOOOO LADY DO YOU NEED A MIRROR?! your face IS white. and other colours would look freakish. tsk. sooo apparently i don't know anything about cosmetics and such. whateverrrrrrr.

-27 dresses is really good! i like katherine heigl. and james marden. and them together in the end (((: work would be sooo much better if i had eye candy ))):

-'i don't know' is the most over-used phrase for me because it means i don't have to think.

-i am gonna meditate on the picture of jared padalecki aka the cute sensitive dude from supernatural. maybe then i'll dream of him. heehee.

-RANT ALERT 2: i submitted this application thingy for this secondary school for relief teaching and i was rejected. but what pisses me off most is that it reads: dear shu ling, we are sorry to inform you that we do not have any vacancies for relief teachers. WTF. WHO IS SHU LING?!?!?!? growl. FINE I DON'T WANT TO BE RELIEVING YOUS ANYWAY.

-AND that colleague of mine said i was pretty because of my face shape. LIKE WHAT? what about my eyes? or other stuffs?!?!?! tsk.tsk.tsk.

okay, i'm done.

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